London first gay pride parade

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The first official march in the UK was held here in London, and for LGBT+ History Month we are looking at its history and impact. Pride marches take place annually in cities across the world, fighting for LGBT+ liberation and celebrating the community. Shop The Union Shop - source of all King's branded clothes, stationery, gifts, accessories and speciality food.We’ve got five fantastic venues for you to chill out in, have a drink, eat some great food and hang with your friends. Bars & Cafes Here at KCLSU, we pride ourselves on our spaces.Events We have a huge range of events all year-round ranging from activities and talks to nights out in some of the best bars and clubs in London, all organised by sports clubs and activity groups.Make Change At KCLSU, we enable and support our diverse student population to build collective power to make positive change in their education and communities.Student Groups At KCLSU there are nearly 300 societies, sports and other student activity groups.Help & Advice Between our student officers, advice team and wellbeing initiatives, we are here to help through your studies at King's.

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About Us Every student at King's is automatically a member of KCLSU - a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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