Recently Updated: “Moocows” “The price” “Three brothers” “Doubling device” “Magic throat” “Nobody’s perfect” “Seth’s life changing adventure” “The magic of science” “Benefit of the doubt” “Gains4Gays” “Compliments to the chef” “Sensational summer growth” “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” “Dude, that’s a really thick cock” “One hot summer” “The suit life” “Magic numbers” “The breakthrough” “The Mann Agency” “Centaurian” “Tit hype” “Twisted fates” “Adam’s fury” “Sudden changes” “Dickville” “Hidden passages” “The spectacular growing saga” “The extreme muscle growth fraternity” “Check this mate” “Curse room”.ġ,081 stories found. Top Stories: “Justin (the bigger the better)” “Max’s wish” “Above average” “Spice” “Jason’s big problem” “All good things” “Puberty is a bitch” “Mind and body” “My roommate (complete)” “Bigger issues”. Related: Hyper Muscle Hyper Strength Immobility Muscle Breast Muscle Gut Muscle Theft Muscle/Strength.
This can involve muscles being grown conventionally (i.e., hard work at the gym), but usually there’s something more going on that gives the growth a push.Ĭompare Muscle, which can be just about having big muscles, and Size Growth, which involves getting bigger overall.Ĭhild of: Muscle.
Especially relevant if the character doesn’t have much musculature to start with.